Accessories,  Scarves

Crochet Honeycomb Cowl

A cowl crocheted in the honeycomb stitch provides a fun layer to your wardrobe for fall, winter and spring. Looks advanced, but uses just single crochet and chain stitches. The Lion Brand Chainette Yarn gives it just the right amount of cozy and warmth, while also providing stretch and airiness. Go ahead, give your neck a gentle hug! Please enjoy this free pattern.

Inspiration – 
The crochet honeycomb cowl has lots of inspiration behind it. I made it in the early spring when days are warming but nights are still cool. I wanted something that would add an easy layer of light warmth when going out with friends in the evening. An accessory that adds warmth but is easy to remove when out and about is a staple in my wardrobe.

Spring for me also means starting to tend to the plants in my yard. I have lots of native plants that attract pollinators and feel passionate about saving the bees. So, the color and use of the honeycomb stitch are inspired by the bees! The mustard color of the Lion Brand Chainette yarn is a heathered gold and reminds me of dark amber honey. The honeycomb stitch gives the cowl the openwork pattern I wanted for this piece. The fringe is the drip of the honey with the natural twist created as it is worked!

Design – 
You gotta love a project that requires just the hook and the yarn. The cowl is worked in the round, joining each round with a slip stitch. Just two pattern rows repeat for the body of the cowl.

The honeycomb effect is created by making openings that alternate or are offset as the pattern rows are worked. Chain-five spaces create the openings, the next row uses single crochet to add structure to the chain spaces; however, fewer stitches are worked in the second row of the pattern which opens up these spaces.

The fringe is again just single crochet and chain stitches, worked by adding just one extra row to the foundation row of the cowl. 

If you’re looking for a cozy, warm scarf that’s much thicker, check out the Crochet Boyfriend Scarf.

Selling points – 
Once you get past the first few rows, the pattern repeats making it a great project for on the go or while keeping up on your favorite Netflix series. Plus the whole pattern is worked in single crochet, chain and slip stitches—easy peasy. Simple stitches, but the design looks advanced.

This pattern could easily be worked in a cotton blend for a summer cowl or really any medium-weight yarn to achieve the look and feel you desire. 

Add extra chains in multiples of 5 to your beginning chain for a wider cowl. Work extra rows of rounds 4 and 5 to make it taller. I added fringe to the foundation row of the cowl (rather than just continuing when cowl height is reached), as I like the final ridged row at the neck.

Yarn – 
This was my first time using the Lion Brand Chainette yarn. I really enjoyed working with it, you can just feel the cozy as you work up your project. It has lots of stretch, perfect for a cowl. The natural fibers make it warm and soft, yet airy. The name comes from its chainette construction, creating a lovely lightweight chain of yarn. Chainette construction creates one strand which I find very satisfying to work with – no splitting.

The mustard color has delicate strands of gold and black, giving it a very slight heather effect.

When joining a new skein I held 2 strands together for about three or so stitches and this method worked great with this yarn, it’s forgiving—and no extra ends to weave in! Use whatever joining method you prefer, knots are also easily hidden in this yarn.



Approx 27 inches around and 12 inches tall, plus 6-inch fringe

Lion Brand Chainette Yarn (70% baby alpaca, 18% virgin wool, 12% polyamide, 131 yds, weight: 4/Medium) – 2 skeins Mustard (#159)
I hook (5.5 mm) or size needed to obtain gauge

19 sts and 12 rows in honeycomb pattern = 4 inches

approx = approximately
ch = ch
rep = repeat
rnd(s) = round(s)
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
sl st = slip stitch
st(s) = stitch(es)

Pattern uses U.S. crochet terms.

The cowl is worked by joining rounds with a slip stitch. After joining round with a slip stitch, chain 1 and work the first single crochet into the same stitch as chain 1 – the chain 1 and single crochet count as 1 stitch. 

This yarn has a lot of stretch, so when working the 5 single crochet in chain-5 space, the stitches may not cover the chain-space area. After working, give rows a little stretch to smooth these out if needed or desired.


With I hook or size needed to obtain gauge, ch 80 loosely, join to first ch with sl st being careful not to twist chain. (Work your regular tension for remainder of cowl.)

(foundation rows)
Rnd 1: ch 1, sc in each ch around, join to first sc with sl st. (80)

Rnd 2: ch 1, sc in first 2 sts. (ch 5, sk 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts) rep until 3 sts remain. ch 5, sk 2 sts, sc in last st, join with sl st to first sc.

Rnd 3: ch 1, sc in first st, sk 1 st, (5 sc in next c-5 sp, sk 1 st, sc in next st) rep until 7 sts remain. 5 sc in next c-5 sp, sk next st, join with sl st to first sc.

(pattern rows) See the pattern stitch visual below.
Rnd 4: sl st in next 2 sts, ch 1, sc in same st and in next 2 sts. (ch 5, sk next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts) rep until 2 sts remain, ch 5, join with sl st to first sc. (128)

Rnd 5: sl st in next st, ch 1, sc in same st. (5 sc in next ch-5 sp, sk 1 st, sc in next st) rep until 7 sts remain. 5 sc in next c-5 sp, sk next st, join with sl st to first sc. (96)

Rep rnds 4 and 5 until piece measures 12 inches, ending with rnd 5 row. Fasten off.

Work fringe:
With RS facing you, join yarn with sl st to any ch in rnd 1 of the cowl. 

Rnd 1: (ch 21, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch working back toward cowl. join with sl st to next ch at cowl, sl st in next 3 chs) rep around. Fasten off.

Weave in ends.

Hand wash, lay flat to dry.

Pattern Sitch Visual

Enjoy some cozy warmth!