photo of crochet monster eyeballs
Halloween,  Holiday

Crochet Monster Eyeballs

Crochet these adorable eyeballs as a Halloween decoration or toy for the little monsters in your life. This fall project uses just single crochet with basic shaping. Bonus—the yarn comes from the dollar store! Please enjoy this free pattern.


At my house the change of seasons from summer to autumn means it’s time to clean the garage, start making soup, and of course, plan new cozy crochet projects! It also means it is time to decorate for fall and for Halloween. When I saw some creepy cute porcelain eyeball decorations, I thought, well, those are adorable, but would be hard for some (kids or even an adult son I know well) to not pick them up and play with them—being round and all. Well you probably know what my next thought was—I will make some! And bonus—crocheted monster eyeballs are begging to be tossed around—and it’s safe to do so when they are made of yarn and fiberfill. A fun project to make, display and play with!


These monster eyeballs are so easy to make, each one is a bit unique with the eyelash eyeball being the most challenging of the three with lots of color changes in the first 14 rounds. Finishing includes stitching on the eyelashes. The standard eyeball is a bit easier with some color changes in the first 14 rounds, and the wide-eye eyeball is very easy with color changes that happen only at the beginning of a round. For a consistent look, pick your favorite and make three of the same style. Or mix and match—add eyelashes to the wide-eye for a fun look. Just be sure to share your creations, I love to see them.

This project is made entirely in single crochet with simple shaping. Begin with the magic loop to get a nice tight first round. Sometimes it still takes me a few tries to get a magic loop started, so don’t give up if you’re new to it. I think you’ll love the result. (Google crochet magic loop, magic circle or magic ring to find lots of resources. I like this tutorial from the Spruce Crafts.)

Crochet a sphere by working the first third with increases in every round. Increases are worked by crocheting two stitches in one single crochet. You begin with 6 single crochets in row 1 and increase each row by 6 single crochets. The second third creates straight sides by simply working a single crochet in each single crochet. The final third is worked with decreases in every round. Decreases are worked by crocheting 2 single crochets together. These rounds are worked in reverse of the increase rounds. Stuff the ball when a few rounds remain. When 6 single crochets remain, finish off leaving a tail of yarn. Weave end through the 6 stitches and pull tight to close the final round.


Umm…did you know the dollar store has yarn? The Premier Just Yarn Worsted is an acrylic worsted weight, medium yarn from the Dollar Tree. And you guessed it, it’s $1 per skein—131 yards. Not only was I drawn in for the value, but these colors scream fall and look amazing in the final project. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed working with this yarn. The yarn felt pretty soft to begin with, but even softer as it is worked into a project. I did not experience any knots or splitting, just a few tangles when getting close to the end of a skein, but that’s pretty common. I found the yarn to be not only soft, but strong—no issues when pulling it tight to close the magic loop or when frogging. And another bonus, it is machine wash and dry. 

Overall this yarn was an excellent choice for the price point. Since they will only be on display seasonally for Halloween, I don’t anticipate any problems with how the monster eyeballs will hold up. And if you pop them in the kids’ toy basket and they eventually fall apart because they are so well-loved and used, well it was a small investment for all that fun. 

This yarn can be purchased online, but options are based on your location and usually require a large quantity for delivery. If you don’t have a Dollar Tree near you or are looking for a specific color scheme, this project lends itself well to any worsted weight yarn. Great for using up leftovers or scraps as well. Have some eyelash or lightweight furry yarn? Work it along with the COLOR B worsted weight yarn for the ball. Use one hook size smaller for this ball portion if needed.


You will see in the pattern that I joined a new color by pulling in the new strand of yarn to complete a single crochet. Then I worked over loose ends in the next round or two as needed. This method was used when joining a new skein in the same color as well. (See photos in the pattern instructions below.)


My mom used to save pantyhose that had runs in them and we used them to fill our homemade stuffed animals, dolls and other projects. I don’t have lots of pantyhose around (and good riddance), and I haven’t thought of a good reuse alternative. (If you have one, leave a comment to let us all know!) So I turned to the gold standard for polyester stuffing, Poly-fil. It’s made with recycled materials and also made in the USA, so less shipping costs are associated with it. I got the big bag (better value) and stuffing the three monster eyeballs used about a third of the bag, so I’m set for the next many projects too.

Grab big clumps when stuffing your project and fluff it up a bit in your hands first. I filled the eyeballs quite full then after finishing them up, rolled them around on a clean, flat surface to shape. They are very soft and squishable which I like. 

Selling points

As I already mentioned, these monster eyeballs beg to be picked up and tossed around—especially when watching your favorite team play football on a lazy fall Saturday or Sunday afternoon. (In a pinch, use them as a pillow for that afternoon nap on the couch.) Or a fun Halloween addition to the kids’ toy box. Creepy cute home decor and plaything!

The big question: where will these go in your home?

photo of crochet monster eyeballs living room
The living room?
photo of crochet monster eyeballs play room
Or the play room?



approx 7.5 inches in diameter


  • Just Yarn by Dollar Tree (100% acrylic, 131 yds, Weight 4: Medium) – 1 skein in color CHARCOAL 
  • Just Yarn by Dollar Tree (100% acrylic, 131 yds, Weight 4: Medium) – 1 skein in color WHITE
  • Color A: Just Yarn by Dollar Tree (100% acrylic, 131 yds, Weight 4: Medium) – 2 skeins in color of choice (PATTERN NOTE: used TURQUOISE, GREEN and RUST TWEED)
  • Color B: Just Yarn by Dollar Tree (100% acrylic, 131 yds, Weight 4: Medium) – 2 skeins in color of choice (PATTERN NOTE: used TURQUOISE, GREEN and RUST TWEED)
  • I (5.5 mm) hook or size needed to obtain gauge
  • Stitch markers
  • 100% Polyester Fiber Fill, will need about 12 oz.
  • Yarn needle
  • Scissors

To make 3 eyeballs in colors shown in photos, you will need 1 skein each in CHARCOAL and WHITE, and 2 skeins each in TURQUOISE, GREEN and RUST TWEED. Eyeballs worked in the following color combinations: Pupil in CHARCOAL and white of eye (sclera) in WHITE for all 3, iris is COLOR A and ball is COLOR B –

approx = approximately
beg = begin(ning)(s)
pm = place marker
rep = repeat
rnd(s) = round(s)
RS = right side
sc = single crochet
sc2tog = single crochet 2 together
st(s) = stitch(es)
WS = wrong side

Pattern uses U.S. crochet terms.

GAUGE 18 sc x 18 rows = 4 inches


The eyeball is worked in the round and entirely in sc working 2 in same st for increases and sc2tog for decreases. Place a stitch marker in the beg sc of each round. Work increase rounds to begin, then work sides, and finally decrease rounds—each section has an equal number of rounds. Fill with stuffing before final few rounds.

This pattern uses 4 colors of yarn—CHARCOAL, WHITE, COLOR A and COLOR B as referred to in the instructions. (Also see note above about yarn under MATERIALS.)

Changing colors:
To attach a new color, pull the new color yarn through as you make sc just prior to color change. (See photos below.)

Photo of changing colors
Photo of changing colors
Photo of changing colors

If instructions indicate to NOT fasten off yarn, float strands across WS of work (these won’t show when ball is joined together around fiberfill) picking up each color as needed. Take care to keep the floating strands of yarn slightly loose and not too tight (no puckering). Pull yarn snug at joining sc but not tight. (See photo below.)

[Pattern note: easy to miss sts that are pulled too tight at joining sc. If your stitch counts are off, check that you didn’t miss a stitch at a joining sc. This happened to me more than once.] 

POINTER: work over loose ends as you go, so when you stuff the ball, all ends are already woven in.

Final stitch counts for rounds listed in ( ).

photo of monster eyelash eyeball


First third of ball is 16 rows worked with increase stitches in each round, and making the monster eye. 6 sts are added in each round.

Using I hook or size needed to obtain gauge and using color CHARCOAL, make a magic loop.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic loop, pull tail tightly to close and work over loose end in next rnd, pm in the beg sc of each rnd of ball. (6)

Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)

Rnd 3: (2 sc in next st, sc in next st) around. change to COLOR A in last sc of rnd. (18)

Fasten off CHARCOAL and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 4: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) around. (24)

Rnd 5: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) around. (30)

Rnd 6: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) around. (36)

Rnd 7: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts) around. (42)

Rnd 8: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) around. change to WHITE in last sc of rnd. (48)

Fasten off COLOR A and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 9: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts) 4 times. 

– with 16 sts remaining in rnd, work 2 sc in next st changing to COLOR B in 2nd st [do NOT fasten off WHITE], 

– sc in next 7 sts. 2 sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts. (54)

Rnd 10: sc in first st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn from WS of work and pulling yarn slightly loose across the back [do NOT fasten off COLOR B], sc in same st. 

– sc in next 8 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 8 sts) 3 times. 

– 2 sc in next st. sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn from WS of work and pulling yarn slightly loose across the back. 

– sc in next 7 sts. 2 sc in next st, sc in next 8 sts. (60)

Rnd 11: sc in first st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn same as previous (in rnd 10), sc in same st. 

– sc in next 9 sts. sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous, sc in same st. 

– sc in next 9 sts (2 sc in next st, sc in next 9 sts). 

– sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 8 sts. 2 sc in next st. sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 8 sts. 2 sc in next st, sc in next 9 sts. (66)

Rnd 12: 2 sc in first st, sc in next st. sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 6 sts. sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next st. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 10 sts) 2 times.

– sc in next 3 sts. sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 6 sts. sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. sc in same st. 

– sc in next 10 sts. 2 sc in next st, sc in next 10 sts. (72)

Rnd 13: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 4 sts. sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 2 sts. sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. sc in next 3 sts. 

– (2 sc in next st, sc in next 11 sts) 2 times. 

– 2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts. 

– sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. sc in next 2 sts. 

–sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. sc in next st. 

– (2 sc in next st, sc in next 11 sts) 2 times. (78)

Rnd 14: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 6 sts. 

– sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 4 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 12 sts) 2 times. 

– 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 8 sts. sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 2 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 12 sts) 2 times. (84)

Fasten off WHITE and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 15: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 13 sts) around. (90)

Rnd 16: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 14 sts) around. (96)

Middle third of ball is 16 rows worked with a sc in each st for each round, making the straight sides. 

Leave current stitch marker in place and add a new one that you move to the first st of each rnd. This makes it easier to count middle rows.

photo of 2 markers on crochet monster eyeball

Rnd 17: sc in each st around. (96)

Rnds 18-32: rep rnd 17.

Last third of ball is 15 rows worked with decrease stitches in each round, stuff when a few rounds remain.

Remove st marker from row 16, continue marking first st of each rnd as you work.

Rnd 33: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 14 sts) around. (90)

Rnd 34: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 13 sts) around. (84)

Rnd 35: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 12 sts) around. (78)

Rnd 36: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 11 sts) around. (72)

Rnd 37: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 10 sts) around. (66)

Rnd 38: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 9 sts) around. (60)

Rnd 39: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 8 sts) around. (54)

Rnd 40: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 7 sts) around. (48)

Rnd 41: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 6 sts) around. (42)

Rnd 42: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 5 sts) around. (36)

Rnd 43: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 4 sts) around. (30)

Tightly stuff ball with polyester fiber fill.

photo of stuffing crochet monster eyeball

Rnd 44: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 3 sts) around. (24)

Rnd 45: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next 2 sts) around. (18)

Rnd 46: (sc2tog in next st, sc in next st) around. (12)

Rnd 47: (sc2tog) around. (6)

Fasten off, leave a 6 inch tail. With yarn needle weave tail through remaining 6 sts, pull tight and knot. Pull tail and knot through center of last round. Trim end and hide inside ball. Roll to shape if needed.

Work eyelashes: 

– Cut a 64 inch strand of CHARCOAL, thread both ends onto yarn needle so you’re working with a double strand of yarn and there’s a loop on the end.

– Insert needle at top left of iris where WHITE meets COLOR A and COLOR B [rnd 8], and pull through 1 st to the right and pull taut securing loop.

– Whip stitch 3 rnds up and pulling needle back through [to rnd 8] 1 st over to right. Continue this way to other side where COLOR A meets COLOR B, working whip sts 2 sts over in rnd 11 and 1 st over in rnd 8.

– Work whip stitch back to left in same way creating the peaks in the eyelashes.

– Knot and pull through a few inches of stuffing, pulling knot to WS and trimming end to hide inside the ball.

See photos below.

photo of crochet monster eyeballs eyelashes
photo of crochet monster eyeballs eyelashes
photo of crochet monster eyeballs eyelashes
photo of crochet monster eyeballs eyelashes
photo of crochet monster eyeballs eyelashes
photo of crochet monster eyeballs

photo of crochet monster eyeballs standard


First third of ball is 16 rows worked with increase stitches in each round, and making the monster eye. 6 sts are added in each round.

Using I hook or size needed to obtain gauge and using color CHARCOAL, make a magic loop.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic loop, pull tightly and work over loose end in next rnd. (6)

pm in the beg sc of each rnd of ball.

Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)

Rnd 3: (2 sc in next st, sc in next st) around. change to COLOR A in last sc of rnd. (18)

Fasten off CHARCOAL and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 4: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) around. (24)

Rnd 5: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) around. (30)

Rnd 6: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) around. (36)

Rnd 7: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts) around. (42)

Rnd 8: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) around. change to WHITE in last sc of rnd. (48)

Fasten off COLOR A and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 9: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts) around. (54)

Rnd 10: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 8 sts) around. (60)

Rnd 11: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 9 sts. 

– 2 sc in next st changing to COLOR B in 2nd sc [do NOT fasten off WHITE]. 

– sc in next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 9 sts picking up WHITE in 9th st from the WS of work and pulling the yarn slightly loose across the back [do NOT fasten off COLOR B]. 

– 2 sc in next st, sc in next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st picking up COLOR B in 2nd sc from the WS of work and pulling the yarn slightly loose across the back [do NOT fasten off WHITE]. 

– sc in next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, sc in next 9 sts picking up WHITE in 9th st [which is the last st of the rnd] same as previous (in rnd 11) [do NOT fasten off COLOR B]. (66)

Rnd 12: 2 sc in first st, sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 9 sts changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous in 9th st. 

– (2 sc in next st, sc in next 10 sts) 2 times. 

– 2 sc in next st, sc in next st changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 9 sts changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous in 9th st. 

– (2 sc in next st, sc in next 10 sts) 2 times. (72)

Rnd 13: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 4 sts changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous in 4th st. 

– sc in next 5 sts changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous in 5th st. 

–sc in next 2 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 11 sts) 2 times. 

– 2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous in 4th st. 

– sc in next 5 sts changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous in the 5th st. 

– sc in next 2 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 11 sts) 2 times. (78)

Rnd 14: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 7 sts changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous in 7th st. 

– sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. 

– sc in next 4 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 12 sts) 2 times. 

– 2 sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts changing to WHITE and picking up yarn as previous in 7th st. 

– sc in next st changing to COLOR B and picking up yarn as previous. Fasten off WHITE and work over loose end. 

– sc in next 4 sts. (2 sc in next st, sc in next 12 sts) 2 times. (84)

Rnd 15: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 13 sts) around. (90)

Rnd 16: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 14 sts) around. (96)

Rep rnds 17-47 as above in Eyelash Eyeball.

Fasten off, leave a 6 inch tail. Weave tail through remaining sts, pull tight and knot. Pull tail and knot through center of last round. Trim end and hide inside ball. Roll to shape if needed.


First third of ball is 16 rows worked with increase stitches in each round, and making the monster eye. 6 sts are added in each round.

Using I hook or size needed to obtain gauge and using color CHARCOAL, make a magic loop.

Rnd 1: 6 sc in magic loop, pull tightly and work over loose end in next rnd. (6)

pm in the beg sc of each rnd of ball.

Rnd 2: 2 sc in each st around. (12)

Rnd 3: (2 sc in next st, sc in next st) around. (18)

Rnd 4: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) around. (24)

Rnd 5: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) around. change to COLOR A in last sc of rnd. (30)

Fasten off CHARCOAL and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 6: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) around. (36)

Rnd 7: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts) around. (42)

Rnd 8: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) around. (48)

Rnd 9: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts) around. change to WHITE in last sc of rnd. (54)

Fasten off COLOR A and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 10: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 8 sts) around. (60)

Rnd 11: (2 sc in first st, sc in next 9 sts) around. (66)

Rnd 12: (2 sc in first st, sc in next 10 sts) around. change to COLOR B in last sc of rnd. (72)

Fasten off WHITE and work over loose end in next rnd.

Rnd 13: (2 sc in first st, sc in next 11 sts) around. (78)

Rnd 14: (2 sc in first st, sc in next 12 sts) around. (84)

Rnd 15: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 13 sts) around. (90)

Rnd 16: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 14 sts) around. (96)

Rep rnds 17-47 as above in Eyelash Eyeball.


Fasten off, leave a 6 inch tail. Weave tail through remaining sts, pull tight and knot. Pull tail and knot through center of last round. Trim end and hide inside ball. Roll to shape if needed.

Machine wash and dry. Roll to reshape as needed.

POINTER: Consider using a laundry bag for delicates like this large mesh one available on Amazon. I have had mine for several years and get a lot of use out of it: sweaters, bras, pillows – and more. Or use an old pillowcase with a zipper.